Tuesday 11 June 2013

'Welcome to the Thailand English Teaching Project 2013'

Those were the words that evoked a whole load of emotions when I saw them in an email from the British Council. It was a mixture of satisfaction as my application was successful, along with nerves and anxiety regarding travelling to a foreign country alone and staying there for two months.
So this is my first post. I figured that I would set this blog up seeing as previous ETA's had done in the past and it seems like a great way to keep in contact with family and friends back home, as well as providing my with a virtual diary of my time in Thailand as a teaching assistant.
I am travelling to Thailand with the British Council, through a scheme provided by my university, to teach English to school children but also to travel around the gorgeous country and meet lots of new people. 
So far, I have filled out the standard travel/visa admin and have sorted out the long list of vaccinations that I need to get in order to stay healthy when I'm out there! I just need to book my flights to Bangkok, which is the exciting part.
The plan is to fill this blog with photos and details of how I am spending my time in Thailand, so fingers crossed, it should be interesting to read!
At this point in time, I am both excited and anxious, but hopefully once I have sorted flights and been to the induction meeting next week, I will feel ready to embark on my Thai adventure :)

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